Monday, April 5, 2010

Baby Update-4/5/2010

Soooo, we had Alex's 8-week check-up on Friday (4/2). It was set for 3:20, but I got a call early in the day to reschedule it for 2:40. No problem; it's not like I'm booked up or anything. We get there 20 (maybe 30) minutes early and don't get seen until about 3:30. WTF, people? Frustrating....

Anyway, Alex is doing great! The nurse was taken aback by his weight. I got "What are you feeding this baby??" from pretty much everybody, which I expected. He was a doll for the whole appointment, very responsive to the doctors and nurses up until he got his shots. He didn't really like anyone for a couple of minutes. He stopped crying the second Daddy picked him up, though. We picked up some baby Tylenol from the pharmacy, but we've hardly had to use any; no fever, no fussiness from anything other than his normal needs. He's a real trooper.

Weight: 15 lbs. 10 oz.; above 95th percentile
Height: 22.75 inches (apparently I don't know how to measure); between 50th and 75th percentile
Head Circumference: 39.5 cm; above 95th percentile

1 comment:

rwinston said...

Wow! Those are some amazing numbers. =) I'm glad his appointment and the aftermath of the shots went well.

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