Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mid-June Baby Update- 4 Months

Midway through June, and it has been a whirlwind! Prepping for Jesus's return took days of interrupted cleaning peppered by power naps (timed to Alex's, of course) to combat my inexplicable exhaustion. When he finally did arrive, the four day weekend was consumed by the black hole that is blissful (ie lazy and uneventful) family time. I fell behind on my project a bit, but after looking up proper novel formatting, I managed to "cheat" my way ahead of schedule. Jesus says I should try to write something everyday anyway, but my goal is 30 pages a month, and I am not all about pushing beyond my limits just yet. Writing a novel is like a marathon; I'm not going to overexert myself and burn out in the first stretch of the race!

Alex had his 4-month check-up (and shots, poor thing!) yesterday. He is gargantuam. The doctor mentioned something about renting out a forklift for the next time he has an appointment if he keeps growing at this rate! He took the shots well, crying heartily when they were administered and calming in his daddy's arms only moments later. We gave him some Tylenol to prevent a fever and were prescribed foot cream for his mild diaper rash, which seemed odd to me at the time. Turns out it works better than Desitin, though. Go figure.

Weight: 18.15 lbs. (90%ile+)
Length: 26 1/2 inches (75%ile-90%ile)
Head Circ.: 43 1/2 cm

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