Friday, October 22, 2010

Fix-It-Friday #75

So I went a little crazy with the number of edits on this image shot by Angie Arthur of I Heart Faces.


First of all, I love the composition of this shot, so I didn't touch it. My chief concern was the very cool overall tone, so I tweaked the warmth and lightened around the eyes a bit to get the basic edit.

Basic Edit:

This is probably what I would use for my final product if I were a professional. Of course, I'm not, so I'm going to take creative liberties and continue to play with it!

Color Pop:

I made several adjustments in ACR to really make the colors pop. Not really much more than that.


I realize the vintage look is a fad, but I just love it! A desaturated image with hints of color and a burnt edge is like candy to me; I can't get enough!


I layered selenium and B&W to achieve the midtones I wanted for this look.

So much fun! See other great edits here. :)

1 comment:

Catherine Grace Life Photography said...

Really love the second one! Nice job!

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