Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Baby Update~9 Months

What can I say about my son? He’s beautiful, bright, and sharp as a tack. He’s messy, destructive, and needs me in his sight at all times. He will laugh and smile one moment and scream and squeeze out tears the next. He eats books indiscriminately and will not hold still for a second, not even long enough for me to pull off a diaper. He hates his crib and adores tormenting our endlessly patient pets. And I love him. Truly, madly, deeply.

The months have been a whirlwind. In 11 days he will be 10 months old, and inching closer to a year. I remember helping watch my cousins several years ago around this time. My younger cousin was 10 months old. I remember it being a fun age, a time of discovery and boundless cuteness. It’s the same today, with one caveat: It’s my baby. My baby. In a few months he will no longer be considered an infant. He’s already starting to exert his independence. He loves to feed himself, and walk along the furniture. Recently, he has started to stand up by himself for a few seconds. Soon he’ll be walking, then running…..*sigh*

There have been lots of new developments recently. He now has 5 teeth, and 2 buds where teeth are imminent. He babbles more and more, with different consonants. He puts his arms in the air and “talks” when he wants attention. He smiles when he sees pictures of his Daddy, and lights up and crawls over when he hears the AIM conversation noises. He eats everything (steamed veggies, French toast, mashed beans, etc.), but I really have to sell the baby food, as he is not usually impressed with the texture. He is easily 25 lbs. We’ll find out his exact measurements tomorrow at his 9 month appointment.

Well, it is midnight, and I need sleep. G’Night, folks!

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