Thursday, April 22, 2010

Baby Update-4/22/2010

As Alex sleeps, I am taking time out of my day to (at last!) write another update. We've been pretty busy for the past couple of weeks making new discoveries and settling into a sleeping schedule. It's been unpredictable for so long that I was very cautious about starting anything with the expectation that he would wake at any minute and need my full attention. He now takes three solid naps a day (30-45 minutes), eats every 1.5-2 hours, and has adapted fairly well to his 8 PM bedtime, so it's much easier for me to do little tasks around the house. He loves playing with his Daddy and uncles, and has the most heart-melting giggle/gurgle and smile combo. He's a very healthy, happy baby, and I'm both amazed and saddened by how quickly he's growing aleady!

~He is a pro at pushing up now. He can keep his head elevated for quite a long time.
~He is rolling from front to back, and is trying very hard to roll the other way, too!
~He makes every attempt to sit up, though he doesn't quite have the muscles for it yet, and loves to stand with assistance and take steps forward. He really wants to be able to get around!
~He coos, smiles, and squeals with delight when played with. He's very ticklish!

Weight: 17.5 lbs.
Height: 24 in.
Head Circ.: 16 in.

1 comment:

rwinston said...

Awww. Sounds like he is doing really well. =)

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