Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ugh, this week....

Today marks two weeks since my husband left for a month (plus a completely useless week) of training. Last week, I was so busy I honestly hardly even noticed that he was gone until it was time for bed. But this week...ugh. Insomnia and exhaustion are battling for dominance, and it's a trifle draining. Mommy's attention is completely consumed during the day and constantly interrupted at night, which means housework has been puttering along. Here's hoping I can actually get it completely clean sometime in the next three weeks so I don't look like I was slacking off the whole time my guy was gone! I try to nap when Alex does, but the last two days he has been skipping naps completely, resulting in an overtired little one who can no longer sleep through the night.

That's right, I said no longer. He did do it, folks. Twice, even! Two blissful nights in a row he slept for eight glorious hours! But then I had to go and tell my mother the good news, and now I am back to the newborn every-two-hours-hungry cycle. I had a feeling I was jinxing myself when I said it. *sigh*

Draining me at an equal velocity is my attempt to re-enroll in college, which involves choosing (and sticking to) a course of study/certification. What I want to do with my life and the practicality of what I should do for my family are brutally at odds. Logically, selecting a certification program that could net me good money in a stable career would be most beneficial to my family, and I could enjoy the work. Ideally, obtaining a Master's in literary or fine arts could usher me into a career that I have the talent and deepest of desires for. People say to do both, and I could, I suppose. But I have a family of my own now. It's young, and it needs to be nurtured, and in a few years it may grow. It's hard to imagine working, going to school, and raising my very young child(ren). For now, I am making sure I have all my core classes knocked out, so I still have a little time to consider my next move.

In baby news, Alex is healthy, happy, and extremely social. He hasn't gained much weight in the past few weeks, but he was already way ahead, and he eats all the time, so I'm not terribly concerned. I mean, 17.5-18 lbs is still in the 95th percentile for a 4-month-old, and he still has two weeks 'til he reaches that milestone. He is a strong kiddo....Stands (with help from mommy), rolls, and even supports his weight on his arms to stay up in a sitting position for a while! I'm so proud of him. By the time his daddy gets home he's going to have an arsenal of new tricks!

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