Sunday, May 23, 2010

Little Things To (Start To) Do

1. Carve out some time to exercise. Walk the dogs with the baby; have someone watch the babe for 30 minutes and go for a run; at this point I'll go to the gym with my brothers and have all of us take turns holding the baby! Wait, are babies allowed in the gym? Hmmmm....

2. Work on the new script a little each day. Full page, half page, it doesn't matter. It'll never get done if no writing is happening. And, anyway, if I'm filming at the end of the year I'm on a deadline.

3. Blog more. Not everyday, but more often. It helps me unload enough after a long day/week/month to want to write more, aiding with #2.

4. Print pictures. Or, by the end of the year, I'll have over two thousand prints on my finicky hard drive and no hard copies. Not a good thing.

5. Bite the bullet and buy some new pants. I have accepted the fact that my hips and butt have been transformed as a result of carrying and bearing my child. I will likely never fit into size 4 jeans again, and unlikely to fit into my size 6 anytime soon. Time to kiss my maternity pants good-bye and embrace my new shape. Maybe that gym time will help sweat some of it off, but, for now, Goodwill is getting a lot of my teeny weeny clothing.

6. Play outside more. The lighting is better for photos, and early in the morning or right before nightfall are great temperature-wise. It's good for getting some fresh air and exposing the baby to the fun of the outdoors.

That's a good start.

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