Saturday, May 29, 2010

Upcoming Projects/Artistic Goals

I am an aspiring writer..../artist/photographer/moviemaker. I have lofty aspirations. Maybe they're not realistic, but no amount of criticism has been able to deter me yet, which I accredit to my sometimes-not-so-beneficial stubborn streak.

That said, my creative energies have been petering out as of late. I take about a dozen photographs a day (give or take), but the subject matter is not so much artsy as undeniable adorable at every given moment. As for writing, forget about it. I have so much to do during the day, I have no time to cook up scenes, dialogue, or plot. The only storyline I have mapped out 100% is Warriors of Polithia, but when I try to write, the words come out flat, unpolished. My writing buddy and I came to the conclusion that we have reached a stalemate with our beloved stories. Heck, we've been working on them since middle school. There's no excitement to them anymore; no fresh twists or "Eureka!" moments of inspiration.

So we have decided to take a step back from our "babies" and start fresh. Starting the 1st of June, we will write a chapter a month for the next year. The only break will be during November so that we can participate in Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month), an event in which we will write an entire novel for the month of November (It's actually not as hard as it sounds). At the end of every month, we will swap printed chapters so that we are not tempted to edit. There is a time and a place for editing: When the manuscript in complete. Editing prior to completion has only resulting in stalling and second-guessing for me so far. With deadlines in place, I know it will be easier to let the words and actions flow. Can you tell I'm excited??

1 comment:

rwinston said...

Good for you. I know it's hard to honor your passions with a baby to care for, but it's important. I look forward to reading about the progress you're making.

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