Saturday, December 18, 2010

Fix-It-Friday #81

I have been negligent in maintaining my blog as well as keeping up with Photo Challenges and Fix-It-Fridays on I Heart Faces. Oops. Then again, for the longest time I was unable to add images for some reason....

Anyway, here is a photo of the lovely Arden Prucha and her husband taken by Michelle Johnson.

Original Image:

Beautiful. It only needs a few little tweaks to really make it shine.

Color Edit:

I started with a custom levels preset to make the whole image pop, then a custom color set. I used TRA's Ying/Yang to prevent blow-outs and bring out some hidden details, then applied TRA's Big Blue and Green With Envy to make the colors pop.

B/W Edit
A very simple edit. From the color edit, I used the Photoshop Channel Mixer preset B/W with yellow filter to give it a nice soft look, then used TRA's Vignette and Blur and adjusted it so the result wasn't quite so severe.

Hot Cocoa Edit:
As much as I love black and white, I love the warmth that a deep brown gives to an image even more. A simple application of TRA's Cinnamon Toast adds just the right tint of color to the image.

I love working on these lovely images! You can find more contributions here. :)

Portfolio-Building In 2011

Hello, all! I announced earlier that in 2011 I would be doing portfolio-building shoots to test the waters, sharpen my abilities, and ultimately decide if I am going to make the leap from photo hobbyist to professional photographer. Well, here I am, making the announcement official. As of January 5, 2011, I will be accepting requests for sessions. For the time being, the sessions will entail a model release signed before we begin shooting. The sessions will be an hour and will likely result in 10-20 fully edited images (weddings, births and other events are obviously an exception to this). After I make a low-res CD (suitable for printing 4x6s) of the images, I will print out a press release for the client so that they will be able to use the images on various internet sites and print as many 4x6s as they desire. If they desire a larger size, or a canvas, I will be typing up my discounted ALA Carte prices in January.

Just for clarification: For portfolio-building sessions, the session is free, and a low-res disk is free. Enlargements, canvases, and high resolution images are subject to a special portfolio-building discount.

Please use the following lists as a guide for my "services". Please remember, these sessions should not take the place of a professional photography session (as I am not a professional), and remember to support a local photographer in 2011. They work hard and can produce much better images than chain stores.

The Kind of Shoots I Would Prefer:
These are the areas in which I want to specialize. I want to be a "life events" photographer, capturing those milestones that create a visual time line of cherished events.
*Birthday Parties
*Military Homecomings

The Kind of Shoots I Am Willing To Do:
These are wonderful practice, but if I do go pro I will likely refer to other photogs who specialize in these areas instead.

Shoots I Will Not Do:
*Glamour (Different from boudoir, which is come-as-you-are)

Additionally, I would like to extend my services to families of deployed soldiers. Because I am not a "professional" by the standards of the BBB, I cannot participate in OpLove, but if you want to have a portrait session so you can have something to send to your soldier, I will include 2 8x10s free of charge. It is important to build morale any way we can, even if it is a small gesture. God bless those who serve and those families who hold strong.

If you have any questions about any particular session and what it entails, please shoot me an e-mail at . Have a great day!

**Edited to add: I guess I should add that I am in the Killeen, TX area, but any friends within a few hours' travel time can schedule a session as well. I like to travel!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Happy December! Writing Update!

So I am keeping up pretty well with my chapters. I had to skip a month to focus on homework and finals, but for the most part I'm on schedule. I joined a writing community, Writer's Cafe, to publish my chapters online for anyone who might be interested in reading it. I do caution you, it is completely unedited, I am writing from the seat of my pants, it is probably chock-full of grammatical errors, and it is quite possibly just atrocious writing. It has, however, worked wonders by getting me excited about firing up the good ol' Warriors of Polithia story with a fresh (more mature) perspective. I will continue to write this, only because I cannot back down from a challenge. You can read the first four chapters here. :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Baby Update~9 Months

What can I say about my son? He’s beautiful, bright, and sharp as a tack. He’s messy, destructive, and needs me in his sight at all times. He will laugh and smile one moment and scream and squeeze out tears the next. He eats books indiscriminately and will not hold still for a second, not even long enough for me to pull off a diaper. He hates his crib and adores tormenting our endlessly patient pets. And I love him. Truly, madly, deeply.

The months have been a whirlwind. In 11 days he will be 10 months old, and inching closer to a year. I remember helping watch my cousins several years ago around this time. My younger cousin was 10 months old. I remember it being a fun age, a time of discovery and boundless cuteness. It’s the same today, with one caveat: It’s my baby. My baby. In a few months he will no longer be considered an infant. He’s already starting to exert his independence. He loves to feed himself, and walk along the furniture. Recently, he has started to stand up by himself for a few seconds. Soon he’ll be walking, then running…..*sigh*

There have been lots of new developments recently. He now has 5 teeth, and 2 buds where teeth are imminent. He babbles more and more, with different consonants. He puts his arms in the air and “talks” when he wants attention. He smiles when he sees pictures of his Daddy, and lights up and crawls over when he hears the AIM conversation noises. He eats everything (steamed veggies, French toast, mashed beans, etc.), but I really have to sell the baby food, as he is not usually impressed with the texture. He is easily 25 lbs. We’ll find out his exact measurements tomorrow at his 9 month appointment.

Well, it is midnight, and I need sleep. G’Night, folks!

My Poor, Neglected Blog.....

It has been about forever since I've written a post with some substance, and a few weeks since I've posted at all. School and a curious child have sent me into an alternate dimension. Last week, I lost an entire day. I don't even know how! I knew the day number, I just thought it was Sunday....On Saturday....Veteran's Day may have played into the confusion, but mostly I think I'm going a little crazy.

Now that I am approaching the end of my first wave of classes, I can finally understand those who can't stand distance learning classes. They're not hard, especially at a community college level, but they are fast paced as all get-out. Trying to take an English class in 8 weeks has proven to be the most challenging, which I hate! I like to think that I am proficient in composition, so that is not the problem. It is the reading. 30 short stories, 50 poems, 3 plays and a novel (which, I had to write a 7-10 page research paper on) may not seem so terrible, but when you have an infatoddler who hasn't met a book he doesn't like to tear to pieces and feels neglected if he is not constantly entertained, it gets a little impossible to cram all of that in, especially with other classes. So far, I've been getting by with A's on essays that I've written in 2 hours to meet deadlines, so hopefully my 2-day research paper on the book I only skimmed will end up with a favorable grade as well. Thank goodness for the internet!

Deviating from school, I finally got my DSLR camera! I was completely psyched when it came in the mail. It was used, but it looked and functioned beautifully. I paired it with an 85mm lens and started shooting right away. Of course, fate intervened, and the mirror fell out after a few days of light use. The good news is that that particular Canon model has had a recall for that exact problem, so I packed it up and shipped it in with a label provided by the company to be fixed for free. I'm glad I chose Canon; their customer service rocks! It should be back by the end of the week, which is perfect because that it when my classes are complete. My next great challenge will be shooting in full manual mode. Oh, yes, it will be interesting. Beware, my friends, that thing is likely going to be around my next for the next couple of months straight.

I have more in-depth updates coming soon. Now that I have fewer distractions I have more time to devote to do the things I love to do. :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fix-It-Friday #75

So I went a little crazy with the number of edits on this image shot by Angie Arthur of I Heart Faces.


First of all, I love the composition of this shot, so I didn't touch it. My chief concern was the very cool overall tone, so I tweaked the warmth and lightened around the eyes a bit to get the basic edit.

Basic Edit:

This is probably what I would use for my final product if I were a professional. Of course, I'm not, so I'm going to take creative liberties and continue to play with it!

Color Pop:

I made several adjustments in ACR to really make the colors pop. Not really much more than that.


I realize the vintage look is a fad, but I just love it! A desaturated image with hints of color and a burnt edge is like candy to me; I can't get enough!


I layered selenium and B&W to achieve the midtones I wanted for this look.

So much fun! See other great edits here. :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fix-It-Friday #74

I can't believe it's already that time of the year, when, in some parts of the country, there is beautifully colored foliage and pleasant weather. Not that Texas is without its blessings: Winters are generally mild, and springtime gorgeous with a bounty of colorful wildflowers. But, when it comes to fall, we fall a little short in the wonders of the season. Thank goodness for those who are able to capture the spirit of fall!

This photo was provided by Dana Suggs for I Heart Faces' Fix-It-Friday #74.


It is a precious capture, but a bit dark.

Color Edit:

I couldn't find a crop that I liked, so I left the composition as-is. Then I applied several TRA actions (that's probably a little redundant!) and adjusted them accordingly: Lights On, Green With Envy, Big Blue, Boutwell Magic Glasses. To finish it off, I added My 4 Hens' "Giddy", which gave it just the right amount of warmth and pop.

Sepia Edit:

From the Color Edit base I applied my usual Sepia treatment of Boring Ol' B&W and Cinnamon Toast (Both TRA).

Thanks for taking a look! You can find great edits here. :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fix-It-Friday #73

This adorable image was captured by Keli Hoskins.


Basic Edit:

A quick levels edit, TRA's Warm It Up Kris, TDW No Glow and eye bump.

Vintage Edit:

TRA's Old Skool and Cinnamon Toast.

Edit 3:

My 4 Hens' Watermelon Blues.

You can find other great edits here! :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Fix-It-Friday #72

Since joining I Heart Faces, I've been given several good tips and points of inspiration. I'm still a beginner, and not 100% confident in my skills, but I'll never get better if I don't apply myself. And what better way to start than to practice editing?

This image is NOT MINE. It is an unedited image by Julie Rivera of Julie Rivera Photography that is currently featured for I Heart Faces' Fix-It-Friday. The adorable shot really makes the editing much more effortless than anything that comes out of my point-and-shoot!

SOOC Image:

Let's face it, that little girl is too cute for words, and the look of adoration on her daddy's face is both sweet and sad, given the circumstances. It's a great moment captured, and I'm pleased to have the opportunity to play with it!

Basic Edit:

For this edit, I adjusted the basic levels and used TRA's Boutwell Magic Glasses, Warm It Up, Kris, and Coffeeshop Actions' Redness Relief to tone down the red in the father's face after the aforementioned actions.

Sepia Edit:

For this one, I continued from the basic edit with TRA's Boring Old B&W and Cinnamon Toast.

Creative Liberties Edit:

For my final edit, I used TRA's Super Fun Happy No Glow. I noticed that some of my earlier Photoshop edits were pretty....glowy/hazy/overdone, so I made sure to adjust the action levels to yield a less severe result.

This was fun, and took almost no time at all! Thanks, Julie, for volunteering your image for this week's Fix-It-Friday! It's strange that the first week I start to participate in the I Heart Faces activites, it's one of your photos I get to work with! Check out her work: Julie Rivera Photography.

That's all for this post! I'll write a "real" post soon! :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

First I Heart Faces Challenge!! Week 38-Smirk

I joined the I Heart Faces community recently to get a few references and tips from photographers of all skill levels. I love the forums, and decided to try my hand at the challenges as well!

This week's challenge is "Smirk". I think the look on the pusher's face is smirk-y enough. This is one of my favorite photos of my brothers. :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ambition Always Seems to Flare Up When I'm Alone....

I have this page marked as my homepage in the hope that seeing it before anything else when I open my browser will inspire me to keep to a regular update schedule. Of course, now I am fixating on whether or not the first sentence in this post is a run-on. I will conclude that it is not in order to move on. :)

The past few weeks have brought on a lot of changes in terms of my career goals. I guess that's what happens when you're left alone with your thoughts for a while. Although I will be pursuing a degree in literary arts in hopes of one day netting a "big girl" job like an editor or (ideally) director of a publishing company, I will also be honing my photography skills in an effort to squeeze in on the over-saturated market. I've found photographers of all skill levels to be especially prevalent around military towns. Some people jump into business as soon as they receive a DSLR camera! I would kill to have that kind of confidence! Unfortunately, I am so completely unfamiliar with DSLRs that I would likely fail with that approach. I plan to use a slow and steady method: Basic equipment, practice practice practice, build equipment, build portfolio, establish self within photography community, start a business. Right now, I'm looking at about a 3-year plan to get it all into place.

I know some people may wonder (and some very well may not) why I am venturing into the photography world. Well, aside from my love for photography, which I have had since I was a child (spent lots of my pocket money on disposable cameras), I have had dreams of running a business. I adore the idea of being my own boss, being accountable for my actions as well as having the power to rectify bad situations, making a name for myself. I have a hunger for success. I realize this may be a problem further down the road if plans do not come to fruition, but, for now, dreaming big is all I have. Also, photography fits well with the stay-at-home-mom role I am fulfilling until the kid(s) start school and I feel comfortable leaving the house for extended periods for a "real" job.

My main focuses are going to be wedding/event, birth, and boudoir photography. They are somewhat unconventional choices, to be sure, but they are what I prefer. And, from a logistical standpoint, they have an even greater appeal: There is (generally) much less competition in those categories, as well as greater net earnings. I wouldn't turn down traditional portraits (especially in my few years of practice!), but would more likely refer them once I start booking event shoots regularly. Come January, once I have my basic equipment outfit put together, if anyone wants to model for me, I will be doing a few free mini-sessions to get a feel for it. I'll have more information on this in another month or so. I want to stress, however, that they should not be used as a substitute for professional photos, as I am not a professional just yet!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New Project! I need some help with this one.

I've decided to do a "Cake of the Month" project. I will take suggestions for a cake challenge, and attempt to create a cake to suit the selected theme or recreate an existing design. I have a few designs in mind, but I need 12 to satisfy the year-long quota. So if you have any ideas, hit me with them! I'm open to pretty much anything, but there will be a few limitations.

*No more than 3 tiers for a stacked cake.
*No sugar glass or coral. I would attempt them, but it would be pretty dangerous around the little one.
*Nothing too obscene, please. ;)

Thanks in advance for any ideas!

Monday, August 30, 2010

August Post

I am forcing myself to type an August entry. Kind of like how I force myself to leave the house to run errands to fill the days, or how I force myself to hammer out page upon page of a manuscript that falls flat, devoid of passion or feeling. No matter what I do, there's always that niggling sense of emptiness that follows, like I'm missing my shadow. As I type it, I cringe at the corniness/melodrama, but what can I do? It's how I feel.

There are good days, of course. Some days I even forget for a little while that it will be months until I can hold him, laugh with him. It hurts worse to think of all that he'll be missing of our son's firsts. It breaks my heart as I imagine it breaks his, though he would not likely own to it. By the time he comes home, our son will be walking and talking (in the fairly limited way an 18-month-old can talk). All I can do is try to keep my husband's memory alive. I can't adequately express how terrified I am to fail my son in that way, to not fully relay to him how much his father loves him, misses him...

All right. I think I've run all the "Debbie Downer" out of my mind. Onward to happier things!

Alex is doing fabulously. He is a hefty little chunk, weighing in at 22.2 lbs. at his 6-month appointment a couple of weeks ago and 27 1/4 inches. He's healthy and happy, always smiling and laughing. He's not quite crawling. He does a funny backwards scooting, spins on his belly, and rolls all over the place, but no forward momentum yet! I'm sure it's just around the corner. It's going to be crazy around here once he gets started. He still doesn't sleep through the night, which is a bit draining. He likes "real people" food like turkey, gluten-free waffles, pretty much anything we're eating he wants to try. He's not a fan of baby food, though he love the Gerber tomato puff snacks and rice cakes.

The month of September is going to be a little slow project-wise. I start online classes at the end of the month, and another chapter will be due around then. Mostly this month will be me getting excited about my mother visiting in October! It's been almost seven months, far to long to go without seeing her! And her arrival kick-starts the more eventful fall-to-winter months. I love being busy!

A lot of this post is rambling. Alex has been sleeping fitfully tonight, up every 30 minutes since his bedtime, so my thoughts are constantly being interrupted. I think that's a sign to continue this another night. At least I have a footprint in August now! :D

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Le Sigh

We have a date for the deployment at last. The planner in me should be happy to have something to write down in my oh-so-full (sarcasm, in case you can't tell) schedule. It gives me a time line to get everything in order and prepare family activities. Then there's, of course, the sappy, emotional, weepy center that thinks "Crap, this is coming up too fast."

I'm not concerned with the state of our relationship. We're solid. We had some pretty good long-distance practice while Jesus was at West Point. If we've been through it before, we can get through it again. I'm probably at an advantage, as I knew what to expect from the military life going in. Still, he's my husband and my best friend, and it is going to suck. I will probably cry, which I hardly ever do, and I will probably do it in public, which I despise. Red and scrunched up is not cute on me like it is on Alex. I know myself well enough to know that I'm going to fight it tooth and nail, regardless of its inevitability.

I have been taking as many pictures of Jesus and Alex as possible. I plan to put those in an album for Alex to look at once he can flip through pages. We also got a Daddy Doll from CYSS to put a picture of his face in, so he can cuddle up with "daddy" when he takes his naps. None of these are a substitute for the real thing, but they're better than nothing. The most I can do is be there for our son and keep his memory of his father as strong as possible until he returns.

In the meantime, I am attempting to fill my days during the deployment with activities. So far, I am digging into my writing project with increased fervor, getting involved with a friend's feature film, and scheduling walks/events for various causes that I have neglected in the past. I am also planning on returning to school and getting more into photography. If all goes off without a hitch, it's going to be a busy year. That's just the way I like it.

Monday, July 12, 2010

July, You Came So Quickly!

Let me start this blog by giving myself a big pat on the back. I have become the Queen of Poop-y Clothing Hand Washing. That's right. If you had asked me before I had a baby to wash a stain from an article of clothing, I would have asked you very politely if you were off your head. I may be a Culinary Wizard (haha, of some caliber), but I am definitely not Susie Housekeeper. Don't even ask how long it's been since I've completely mopped the floors. Ugh. But I have saved about 6 articles of clothing from the "yellow stain of death", so I'm feeling pretty accomplished. He's going to be in those 6-12 month clothes for a while (I hope), so I need to keep them looking presentable!

It's been a long time since my last update. Working on the writing challenge, squeezing the life out of every second of family time before Jesus deploys, trying to maintain a social life, and keeping a watchful eye on my increasingly mobile baby interrupts things a bit.

Ah, Alex. There have been many adventures with Alex. He is beginning to discover the world around him: The colors, the textures, the sounds. He loves to explore and manipulate his environment. Toys are holding his attention longer. He has already discovered the "Fetch" game, where he looks straight at me and drops his toy to the ground for me to retrieve and return to him to drop several more times. He now rolls both ways and scoots backwards, which, after much Googling and Babyzone querying, I discovered is another step toward crawling. Which means another step toward my having to mop the floors everyday. Boo and yay. He's a few solids everyday, veggies mostly. He's not a fan of fruit, which is weird since Jesus and I have massive sweet teeth. He plays with a sippy cup. We don't fill it with anything yet even though I know I should.

There have been a couple of "Oh Crap" moments. I am very much into attachment parenting, so I carry/wear the baby wherever I can, take him to most places with me, comfort nurse, co-sleep and bed share, and do not now or plan to ever use CIO (cry it out) methods. I respect everyone's parenting decisions, these are just the ones that I use with my child and that work for us. That said, Alex fell off the bed one night. I usually pull the bassinet to the side of the bed to prevent falls, but I didn't that night, which was the night he decided to roll over in his sleep. My blood ran cold when I heard him hit the ground. I jumped to my feet and scooped him up as he realized what had happening and began screaming. He was mostly scared, no bruises or scratches or knots or lethargy in the days that followed; I gave him some Tylenol to ward off any potential aches and pains and he was smiling and playing and completely back to normal when the sun came up. But the strangest thing was, when it happened, I was consumed with an eerie calm. I had never been so level-headed and unemotional in my whole life. It was a strange feeling. The second oopsie was a little car seat issue. As in, it was in position in my car, but not strapped in, and I didn't realize it until I was back home from running errands. It didn't move, but the potential for disaster was there, which made me feel just as awful.

My husband would likely advise me not to share these things, but I think a major problem with parenting these days is the judgment and lack of support amongst adults. Everyone makes mistakes; nobody is a perfect parent. I think it's important that we share and learn from one another to better prevent such occurrences in the future, rather than judge or hold back in shame and fear of judgment. I love my son, and would never allow anything to harm him, but sometimes not-so-great things happen no matter how prepared you think you are, and I think it does a great disservice to myself and others to pretend like I'm infallible. I am pretty darn good, though. ;)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mid-June Baby Update- 4 Months

Midway through June, and it has been a whirlwind! Prepping for Jesus's return took days of interrupted cleaning peppered by power naps (timed to Alex's, of course) to combat my inexplicable exhaustion. When he finally did arrive, the four day weekend was consumed by the black hole that is blissful (ie lazy and uneventful) family time. I fell behind on my project a bit, but after looking up proper novel formatting, I managed to "cheat" my way ahead of schedule. Jesus says I should try to write something everyday anyway, but my goal is 30 pages a month, and I am not all about pushing beyond my limits just yet. Writing a novel is like a marathon; I'm not going to overexert myself and burn out in the first stretch of the race!

Alex had his 4-month check-up (and shots, poor thing!) yesterday. He is gargantuam. The doctor mentioned something about renting out a forklift for the next time he has an appointment if he keeps growing at this rate! He took the shots well, crying heartily when they were administered and calming in his daddy's arms only moments later. We gave him some Tylenol to prevent a fever and were prescribed foot cream for his mild diaper rash, which seemed odd to me at the time. Turns out it works better than Desitin, though. Go figure.

Weight: 18.15 lbs. (90%ile+)
Length: 26 1/2 inches (75%ile-90%ile)
Head Circ.: 43 1/2 cm

Friday, June 4, 2010

Happy June!

It's summertime in Texas, which means blazing hot sunny days punctuated by dreary, cold rainy spells with the possibility of a few scary storms thrown in to make life interesting. So basically, every other season in Texas, except in the springtime we get random snowfall, and in the winter slushy mess to add to the mix. It's like a Dairy Queen Blizzard: A whole lot of junk in one little cup. ... And now I'm hungry for a Blizzard. So cold and yummy...

So far so good on the writing project. When Alex goes to sleep at night I knock out a page a day. I'm patiently waiting for inspiration to strike so I can crank out the 5 pages an hour I used to. It doesn't sound like a lot, but it adds up fast.

Today marks four months since Jesus and I became parents. It's amazing the changes that Alex has made in our lives. It's amazing how much he's growing! I didn't think it was possible for me to miss the days that he was fragile and always crying and couldn't do anything for himself. Already he can grab whatever toy he wants and drag it toward himself (to be then chewed on mercilessly), walk around his activity center unsupervised, and nurse until he's full in two minutes flat. My role is shrinking with every new milestone he reaches. I realize it's silly to feel this way; he's not going off to college for 17 years, yet. He still needs to be bounced to sleep for his naps, and he can't make his way across a room. One day, I'm going to WANT him to do things for himself. But I miss the feeling of being the only one able to provide everything for him.

Anywho, new tentative stats for this month! We'll see how right I am when we go for his 4-month shots in a couple of weeks. Hopefully he takes them like a champ the way he did the last round of shots!

Weight: 17.5 lbs...A 1 lb. drop since last week. That's got me a little concerned....
Length: 24 inches.
Head: 17 inches.

Some of those numbers seem a little off, so we'll see in a couple of weeks if he's thriving or not. A little worrisome, though....

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Upcoming Projects/Artistic Goals

I am an aspiring writer..../artist/photographer/moviemaker. I have lofty aspirations. Maybe they're not realistic, but no amount of criticism has been able to deter me yet, which I accredit to my sometimes-not-so-beneficial stubborn streak.

That said, my creative energies have been petering out as of late. I take about a dozen photographs a day (give or take), but the subject matter is not so much artsy as undeniable adorable at every given moment. As for writing, forget about it. I have so much to do during the day, I have no time to cook up scenes, dialogue, or plot. The only storyline I have mapped out 100% is Warriors of Polithia, but when I try to write, the words come out flat, unpolished. My writing buddy and I came to the conclusion that we have reached a stalemate with our beloved stories. Heck, we've been working on them since middle school. There's no excitement to them anymore; no fresh twists or "Eureka!" moments of inspiration.

So we have decided to take a step back from our "babies" and start fresh. Starting the 1st of June, we will write a chapter a month for the next year. The only break will be during November so that we can participate in Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month), an event in which we will write an entire novel for the month of November (It's actually not as hard as it sounds). At the end of every month, we will swap printed chapters so that we are not tempted to edit. There is a time and a place for editing: When the manuscript in complete. Editing prior to completion has only resulting in stalling and second-guessing for me so far. With deadlines in place, I know it will be easier to let the words and actions flow. Can you tell I'm excited??

Friday, May 28, 2010

Getting Into The Swing Of Things

This week was sprinkled with firsts for me. My first time shopping alone with a baby; my first not-rushed dinner/shopping date with a good friend; my first somewhat (or totally) illegal dumping of our collection of recyclables into the Killeen Mall dumpster. Fear not, that last one will be explained. But, more than anything, for the first time I feel like I can really manage on my own again. I thought it would be so difficult to juggle a baby, household chores, and a social life, but, really, all it take is a little fine tuning and a heck of a lot of upper body strength. And, in the case of the illegal dumping, two people and a very fast car.

I'm a rule-follower. I like to think I hold myself to a high personal moral standard. That said, milk cartons, even rinsed, in 90+ degree weather turn into stink bombs of death. We had stopped a couple of places before we were going to head to the Commissary to recycle. When we got back into the car the second time, the stench was unbearable. And, lo, there was the mall, a shiny beacon. Having worked in a mall before, I knew exactly where to go, so we went. I think the funniest part was when "Living La Vida Loca" came on the radio just as we were pulling in, as if we were acting out an action scene in a movie and it was on the soundtrack. I probably won't do it again, though, as it does technically cost the mall money to have the trash taken away....

Is it weird that I see movie scenes/hear soundtracks in everyday acts? No? Good.

Shopping alone wasn't bad. It was slow goings, for sure. When you're rocking an 18 lb. baby on one hip and only have the use of one hand, loading a cart is tedious. But it sort of felt liberating being able to steer a full shopping cart and keep my son happy at the same time. Of course, when the husband gets home, I will not be so keen on the solo trips, if only because I like not looking like a crazy person conferring with a drooling baby about whether or not we need more air freshener.

Next week, one of my friends is having a baby shower. I am so excited to be in a room full of adult women; it's been so long. I'm especially excited to see someone else sporting a cute baby belly. Let's just hope I don't get the baby bug. Though, as young as Alex is, I doubt I'm susceptible.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Little Things To (Start To) Do

1. Carve out some time to exercise. Walk the dogs with the baby; have someone watch the babe for 30 minutes and go for a run; at this point I'll go to the gym with my brothers and have all of us take turns holding the baby! Wait, are babies allowed in the gym? Hmmmm....

2. Work on the new script a little each day. Full page, half page, it doesn't matter. It'll never get done if no writing is happening. And, anyway, if I'm filming at the end of the year I'm on a deadline.

3. Blog more. Not everyday, but more often. It helps me unload enough after a long day/week/month to want to write more, aiding with #2.

4. Print pictures. Or, by the end of the year, I'll have over two thousand prints on my finicky hard drive and no hard copies. Not a good thing.

5. Bite the bullet and buy some new pants. I have accepted the fact that my hips and butt have been transformed as a result of carrying and bearing my child. I will likely never fit into size 4 jeans again, and unlikely to fit into my size 6 anytime soon. Time to kiss my maternity pants good-bye and embrace my new shape. Maybe that gym time will help sweat some of it off, but, for now, Goodwill is getting a lot of my teeny weeny clothing.

6. Play outside more. The lighting is better for photos, and early in the morning or right before nightfall are great temperature-wise. It's good for getting some fresh air and exposing the baby to the fun of the outdoors.

That's a good start.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ugh, this week....

Today marks two weeks since my husband left for a month (plus a completely useless week) of training. Last week, I was so busy I honestly hardly even noticed that he was gone until it was time for bed. But this week...ugh. Insomnia and exhaustion are battling for dominance, and it's a trifle draining. Mommy's attention is completely consumed during the day and constantly interrupted at night, which means housework has been puttering along. Here's hoping I can actually get it completely clean sometime in the next three weeks so I don't look like I was slacking off the whole time my guy was gone! I try to nap when Alex does, but the last two days he has been skipping naps completely, resulting in an overtired little one who can no longer sleep through the night.

That's right, I said no longer. He did do it, folks. Twice, even! Two blissful nights in a row he slept for eight glorious hours! But then I had to go and tell my mother the good news, and now I am back to the newborn every-two-hours-hungry cycle. I had a feeling I was jinxing myself when I said it. *sigh*

Draining me at an equal velocity is my attempt to re-enroll in college, which involves choosing (and sticking to) a course of study/certification. What I want to do with my life and the practicality of what I should do for my family are brutally at odds. Logically, selecting a certification program that could net me good money in a stable career would be most beneficial to my family, and I could enjoy the work. Ideally, obtaining a Master's in literary or fine arts could usher me into a career that I have the talent and deepest of desires for. People say to do both, and I could, I suppose. But I have a family of my own now. It's young, and it needs to be nurtured, and in a few years it may grow. It's hard to imagine working, going to school, and raising my very young child(ren). For now, I am making sure I have all my core classes knocked out, so I still have a little time to consider my next move.

In baby news, Alex is healthy, happy, and extremely social. He hasn't gained much weight in the past few weeks, but he was already way ahead, and he eats all the time, so I'm not terribly concerned. I mean, 17.5-18 lbs is still in the 95th percentile for a 4-month-old, and he still has two weeks 'til he reaches that milestone. He is a strong kiddo....Stands (with help from mommy), rolls, and even supports his weight on his arms to stay up in a sitting position for a while! I'm so proud of him. By the time his daddy gets home he's going to have an arsenal of new tricks!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Baby Update-4/22/2010

As Alex sleeps, I am taking time out of my day to (at last!) write another update. We've been pretty busy for the past couple of weeks making new discoveries and settling into a sleeping schedule. It's been unpredictable for so long that I was very cautious about starting anything with the expectation that he would wake at any minute and need my full attention. He now takes three solid naps a day (30-45 minutes), eats every 1.5-2 hours, and has adapted fairly well to his 8 PM bedtime, so it's much easier for me to do little tasks around the house. He loves playing with his Daddy and uncles, and has the most heart-melting giggle/gurgle and smile combo. He's a very healthy, happy baby, and I'm both amazed and saddened by how quickly he's growing aleady!

~He is a pro at pushing up now. He can keep his head elevated for quite a long time.
~He is rolling from front to back, and is trying very hard to roll the other way, too!
~He makes every attempt to sit up, though he doesn't quite have the muscles for it yet, and loves to stand with assistance and take steps forward. He really wants to be able to get around!
~He coos, smiles, and squeals with delight when played with. He's very ticklish!

Weight: 17.5 lbs.
Height: 24 in.
Head Circ.: 16 in.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Lasagna Rolls

I made these the other day in lieu of manicotti because we didn't have the right noodles! I thought they turned out yummy, so I decided to share. Adapted from AllRecipe's Manicotti Alla Romana recipe by markblau.


* 2 tablespoons olive oil
* 1 small chopped onion
* 6 cloves garlic, finely chopped
* 1 pound ground meat (beef or turkey)
* 1 package (about 5 links) Italian sausage (I used hot, but mild's fine, too)
* salt to taste
* 1 package lasagna
* 3 cups ricotta cheese
* 2 eggs, beaten
* 1 cup mozzarella
* 3 cups spaghetti sauce, divided
* 2 tablespoons butter
* 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
* 2 tablespoons chicken bouillon granules
* 2 cups half-and-half
* 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
* 3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
* 1/4 cup grated Romano cheese


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Saute onions until translucent. Saute garlic for 1 minute and stir in ground meat and sausage. Cook until well browned and crumbled. Season with salt and set aside to cool.
3. Prepare lasagna noodles as directed on the package. Drain and cover with cool water to stop the cooking process and prevent the pasta from sticking or tearing.
4. To the ground beef mixture add the ricotta cheese. When the mixture is cool, add the beaten eggs and mozzarella. Spread 1 cup of spaghetti sauce in the bottom of a 9x13 inch baking dish. Drain and pat the lasagna noodles dry. Carefully roll a handful of the meat and cheese mixture into each noodle (there should be about 15); place rolls, seam side down, in prepared dish.
5. Prepare the white sauce by melting the butter in a small saucepan over medium heat. Stir in flour and chicken bouillon. Increase heat to medium-high and cook, stirring constantly, until it begins to bubble. Stir in half and half, Romano cheese, and 1/4 cup Parmesan and bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly (the mixture should thicken slightly). Remove from heat and stir in parsley. Pour or ladle the sauce evenly over the stuffed shells.
6. Carefully pour or ladle spaghetti sauce over the white sauce, trying to layer the sauces without mixing.
7. Bake for 40 minutes. Remove from oven and sprinkle with remaining Parmesan cheese. Bake for 10 minutes more.

Yes, I added more cheese and took out the spinach from the original recipe. Spinach probably would have made it much tastier, but I didn't have any on hand. Alas! I'll have to prepare better next time.
And for all my gluten-free buddies, they do have GF lasagna noodles! They sell them at H-E-B, or you can order them online here. As for the flour for the sauce, just use regular rice flour; an extra 1/2 tablespoon should do it. <3

Monday, April 5, 2010

Baby Update-4/5/2010

Soooo, we had Alex's 8-week check-up on Friday (4/2). It was set for 3:20, but I got a call early in the day to reschedule it for 2:40. No problem; it's not like I'm booked up or anything. We get there 20 (maybe 30) minutes early and don't get seen until about 3:30. WTF, people? Frustrating....

Anyway, Alex is doing great! The nurse was taken aback by his weight. I got "What are you feeding this baby??" from pretty much everybody, which I expected. He was a doll for the whole appointment, very responsive to the doctors and nurses up until he got his shots. He didn't really like anyone for a couple of minutes. He stopped crying the second Daddy picked him up, though. We picked up some baby Tylenol from the pharmacy, but we've hardly had to use any; no fever, no fussiness from anything other than his normal needs. He's a real trooper.

Weight: 15 lbs. 10 oz.; above 95th percentile
Height: 22.75 inches (apparently I don't know how to measure); between 50th and 75th percentile
Head Circumference: 39.5 cm; above 95th percentile

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Baby Update-3/26/2010

We've weathered the storm of the cursed DST change and 6 week growth spurt! It was tough for about a week: Alex refused to be put down at bedtime; had to be walked around for about an hour and fed continuously before he fussed himself to sleep in my arms. But the fussy time has gotten incrementally shorter, down to about 15 minutes, if at all. He has begun to amuse himself now, which means Momma can put him down for 5-10 minutes before he demands undivided attention. And when he naps, he actually sleeps long enough for me to do a few chores! Life is good.

I set up his 2-month appointment today, so I'll have "official" stats in a couple of weeks, but here are some unofficial stats for right now.

Weight: 13.5 lbs.
Height: 24 inches

P.S. Anyone with an Infantino Slingrider and/or Wendy Bellissimo carrier, get on that recall ASAP. I'm sending my stuff in today. Here's the website.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Nursing Covers!!

I cannot be the only mother who LOVES these things! When I was preparing to buy one, I researched the 'net for reviews and recommendations and stumbled across quite a few opinion pieces that seemed scathing condemnations. There was one relatively tame one recently covering "The Delivery" episode of The Office. The blogger was "thrilled" that they portrayed breastfeeding as "something positive, and normal", but viewed their choice to have the character Pam utilize a Hooter Hider brand nursing cover as a disappointment, and even went so far to refer to them as "Aprons of Shame".

I understand that there are mothers who are open, uninhibited, and proud of breastfeeding without the need for a cover. I wish I had that kind of attitude! But I also find absolutely nothing wrong with the concept of nursing covers for those mothers who wish to avoid dealing with the (unfair but present) social stigma of popping a boob out in public to nourish their child. It's important for me to be able to interact with others normally, and for anyone who isn't my husband or family, it would certainly serve as a distraction to be laid bare for all to see.

I recently bought an Udder Cover(s) and adore it! It's lightweight so Alex doesn't overheat, has a rigid neckline so I can see and adjust him if need be, and, most importantly, helps me more confidently nurse out in the open. They're running a promo where you only pay for the cost of shipping ($9.95), which is a LOT cheaper than most nursing covers! Click here for the store, and at checkout, put in the promo code "backorder1". :) Ciao!

Monday, March 22, 2010

My New Job

I had been unhappy with my job of late. It wasn't so much the intensive physical strain of dozens of heavy boxes and buckets, nor the mental strain of prissy clients and entitled coworkers who, for some reason, find it unreasonable for us to expect them to do their jobs. I'm made of tougher stuff than that. I think the final straw, really, was my actual job being yanked out from under me as my pregnancy progressed. There's nothing like being poo-pooed because of a temporary inability to unload a few trucks. It's discrimination, pure and simple, and I certainly wasn't making enough money to put up with it.

As anyone who lives in Killeen knows, the job market is generally open for low-paying entry-levels jobs or medical positions; there's not much in the way of a middle ground. Once in a long while a golden opportunity presents itself, usually right after I've acquired a sub-par position and feel obligated to be faithful to said position. Big mistake on my part, and not one I am likely to repeat. Maybe someday soon, another beacon will come to be.

Until then....I'm a stay-at-home momma. Yup. It has come to that. Don't get me wrong: I love being the primary caregiver for our little one. I love being able to feed him whenever he's hungry, cook dinner for my family, and keep up (the best I can) with housekeeping. I get to see all the big milestones. This is a dream job for lots of women. Yet I feel guilty. Why?

I may have something to do with the way I'm wired. I was raised to work hard for what I have, to pull my own weight and contribute to the well-being of myself as well as others, and now...Well, it's hard to not feel like a bum when you're glued to the couch for about 6 hours a day to feed your child. But, ultimately, it didn't make sense for me to go back to work. With my position changed and cut hours looming, we would have ended up paying more for daycare, formula (in the event of drying up), and various fees and expenses than I would even make in a month. I would be working just to put my baby in daycare; I'm not all about that. So we're a one paycheck family for now. We've already seen some improvement in finances with some basic planning and budgeting, so I'm hoping to contribute in that way.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Baby Update-3/11/2010

It has been a looooong five weeks. Who knew how physically draining looking after such a small child could be (put down your hand, Mom, of course you know :))? Pregnancy is (almost) smooth sailing in comparison. But despite the sore back and arms, the sometimes unreadable cries, and the copious amounts of fluids excreted on my hair, clothes, and various surfaces, there's something about that cheesy smile and gurgle he's been doing lately that makes it all easier to handle. Emotionally, at least.

*Milestones So Far*
Holding his head up/pushing up on arms: Still a bit wobbly, but he lifts, arches, and turns his head toward things of interest.
Following objects with head, occasionally with eyes: When I put him down to get dressed or prep dinner, I am very closely monitored.

Weight: 13 lbs.; up five pounds from birth weight
Height: 23 inches; up 2 1/4 inches from birth

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Woo! New Layout!

Because the Blogger templates are so plain and boring, I decided to spice things up by seeking a more interesting layout. Voila! I think it suits my personality well. I can't remember exactly what site it's from. There's probably a link to it on the page somewhere, but if you're looking for something to give your blog a little more "oomph", simply Google "free Blogger layout". You're almost guaranteed to find something you love.

In other news, I'm formulating a Monday-Friday posting schedule, effective as soon as I figure out what those deadlines are going to be related to. Thursdays will definitely be updates about the baby, since he was born on a Thursday, and it's so much easier to keep track that way. Probably Photo Fridays.... Well, we'll see. :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


My name is Megan. You may already know me (why else would you be reading my blog?), but for those who don't let me start by introducing myself. I'm an all-American girl living the dream: Married to a wonderful man (who just happens to be in the military); mother of a beautiful baby boy; house full of well-loved pets; wonderfully supportive (though far-spread) community of friends and family; the whole shebang.

I don't have much in the way of a career at the moment. I dabble in creative pursuits like cake decorating and wedding planning, but have yet to find that elusive "perfect fit" when it comes to employers. I've toyed with the idea of opening my own shops, but those are best left for later years, when living arrangements are much more stable. For now, I'm on maternity "leave", and I am thankful that we are able to get by on one income, but I'm hoping to return to retail, if only to alleviate a little financial stress from my husband.

I am a writer, to the extent that anyone with an idea, a computer, and Microsoft Word can say they're a writer. To date, I have created two book series ideas (as well as completed a novel of each), a feature screenplay, two television series concepts, and a handful of independent novel ideas, as well as over 100 poems/song lyrics. Since getting married, I am ashamed to say my creativity's been on hiatus, but with the birth of our son came a renewed sense of urgency that has sparked the kindling once again.

These are just a few tidbits about me. Above all else, I am a wife and mother, and I intend to love every minute of it.
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