Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Baby Update~9 Months

What can I say about my son? He’s beautiful, bright, and sharp as a tack. He’s messy, destructive, and needs me in his sight at all times. He will laugh and smile one moment and scream and squeeze out tears the next. He eats books indiscriminately and will not hold still for a second, not even long enough for me to pull off a diaper. He hates his crib and adores tormenting our endlessly patient pets. And I love him. Truly, madly, deeply.

The months have been a whirlwind. In 11 days he will be 10 months old, and inching closer to a year. I remember helping watch my cousins several years ago around this time. My younger cousin was 10 months old. I remember it being a fun age, a time of discovery and boundless cuteness. It’s the same today, with one caveat: It’s my baby. My baby. In a few months he will no longer be considered an infant. He’s already starting to exert his independence. He loves to feed himself, and walk along the furniture. Recently, he has started to stand up by himself for a few seconds. Soon he’ll be walking, then running…..*sigh*

There have been lots of new developments recently. He now has 5 teeth, and 2 buds where teeth are imminent. He babbles more and more, with different consonants. He puts his arms in the air and “talks” when he wants attention. He smiles when he sees pictures of his Daddy, and lights up and crawls over when he hears the AIM conversation noises. He eats everything (steamed veggies, French toast, mashed beans, etc.), but I really have to sell the baby food, as he is not usually impressed with the texture. He is easily 25 lbs. We’ll find out his exact measurements tomorrow at his 9 month appointment.

Well, it is midnight, and I need sleep. G’Night, folks!

My Poor, Neglected Blog.....

It has been about forever since I've written a post with some substance, and a few weeks since I've posted at all. School and a curious child have sent me into an alternate dimension. Last week, I lost an entire day. I don't even know how! I knew the day number, I just thought it was Sunday....On Saturday....Veteran's Day may have played into the confusion, but mostly I think I'm going a little crazy.

Now that I am approaching the end of my first wave of classes, I can finally understand those who can't stand distance learning classes. They're not hard, especially at a community college level, but they are fast paced as all get-out. Trying to take an English class in 8 weeks has proven to be the most challenging, which I hate! I like to think that I am proficient in composition, so that is not the problem. It is the reading. 30 short stories, 50 poems, 3 plays and a novel (which, I had to write a 7-10 page research paper on) may not seem so terrible, but when you have an infatoddler who hasn't met a book he doesn't like to tear to pieces and feels neglected if he is not constantly entertained, it gets a little impossible to cram all of that in, especially with other classes. So far, I've been getting by with A's on essays that I've written in 2 hours to meet deadlines, so hopefully my 2-day research paper on the book I only skimmed will end up with a favorable grade as well. Thank goodness for the internet!

Deviating from school, I finally got my DSLR camera! I was completely psyched when it came in the mail. It was used, but it looked and functioned beautifully. I paired it with an 85mm lens and started shooting right away. Of course, fate intervened, and the mirror fell out after a few days of light use. The good news is that that particular Canon model has had a recall for that exact problem, so I packed it up and shipped it in with a label provided by the company to be fixed for free. I'm glad I chose Canon; their customer service rocks! It should be back by the end of the week, which is perfect because that it when my classes are complete. My next great challenge will be shooting in full manual mode. Oh, yes, it will be interesting. Beware, my friends, that thing is likely going to be around my next for the next couple of months straight.

I have more in-depth updates coming soon. Now that I have fewer distractions I have more time to devote to do the things I love to do. :)
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