Tuesday, February 15, 2011

In Need Of Some Vino.....

When you are waiting for someone you love to return to you, it feels like a lifetime. Your brain tricks you into thinking that two weeks will stretch on eternally. You start to look forward to the brief window of time you will have together. And when it's over, the reality hits: It's hardly any time at all.

I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer. It's good news, really. It means that the remainder of the deployment will fly by just as swiftly as the first half has. But when you're driving home with an empty passenger seat, and you have to put away the jacket that still has a loved one's lingering scent because no one will wear it for months, there is that fleeting moment when it feels like the loneliness and worry will consume you. Part of me wishes I could succumb to those terrible feelings. I would love to be able to cry all day, drink a bottle of wine, and eat a quart of ice cream straight from the container. But, at the same time, I am so grateful for my son, who limits just how much I can mope. I mean, really, who has time to feel sorry for themselves when one's toddler has an affinity for toilet brushes and trash cans? I spend too much time diverting his attention from potential hazards to entertain my emotions.

For all the military spouses and loved ones, hang in there. Do whatever it takes to occupy your time. A little wallowing is good, but don't overdo it. Reach out if you need someone. I, for one, am more than happy to get out of the house and meet up for a grown-up (or kids) play date, and I am more than happy to share my wine with anyone who needs to unwind after a particularly trying day.

And to all you guys and gals out there defending our freedom, thank you! And get home safe. We can't wait to see you! :)
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