Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New Project! I need some help with this one.

I've decided to do a "Cake of the Month" project. I will take suggestions for a cake challenge, and attempt to create a cake to suit the selected theme or recreate an existing design. I have a few designs in mind, but I need 12 to satisfy the year-long quota. So if you have any ideas, hit me with them! I'm open to pretty much anything, but there will be a few limitations.

*No more than 3 tiers for a stacked cake.
*No sugar glass or coral. I would attempt them, but it would be pretty dangerous around the little one.
*Nothing too obscene, please. ;)

Thanks in advance for any ideas!

Monday, August 30, 2010

August Post

I am forcing myself to type an August entry. Kind of like how I force myself to leave the house to run errands to fill the days, or how I force myself to hammer out page upon page of a manuscript that falls flat, devoid of passion or feeling. No matter what I do, there's always that niggling sense of emptiness that follows, like I'm missing my shadow. As I type it, I cringe at the corniness/melodrama, but what can I do? It's how I feel.

There are good days, of course. Some days I even forget for a little while that it will be months until I can hold him, laugh with him. It hurts worse to think of all that he'll be missing of our son's firsts. It breaks my heart as I imagine it breaks his, though he would not likely own to it. By the time he comes home, our son will be walking and talking (in the fairly limited way an 18-month-old can talk). All I can do is try to keep my husband's memory alive. I can't adequately express how terrified I am to fail my son in that way, to not fully relay to him how much his father loves him, misses him...

All right. I think I've run all the "Debbie Downer" out of my mind. Onward to happier things!

Alex is doing fabulously. He is a hefty little chunk, weighing in at 22.2 lbs. at his 6-month appointment a couple of weeks ago and 27 1/4 inches. He's healthy and happy, always smiling and laughing. He's not quite crawling. He does a funny backwards scooting, spins on his belly, and rolls all over the place, but no forward momentum yet! I'm sure it's just around the corner. It's going to be crazy around here once he gets started. He still doesn't sleep through the night, which is a bit draining. He likes "real people" food like turkey, gluten-free waffles, pretty much anything we're eating he wants to try. He's not a fan of baby food, though he love the Gerber tomato puff snacks and rice cakes.

The month of September is going to be a little slow project-wise. I start online classes at the end of the month, and another chapter will be due around then. Mostly this month will be me getting excited about my mother visiting in October! It's been almost seven months, far to long to go without seeing her! And her arrival kick-starts the more eventful fall-to-winter months. I love being busy!

A lot of this post is rambling. Alex has been sleeping fitfully tonight, up every 30 minutes since his bedtime, so my thoughts are constantly being interrupted. I think that's a sign to continue this another night. At least I have a footprint in August now! :D
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