Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mid-June Baby Update- 4 Months

Midway through June, and it has been a whirlwind! Prepping for Jesus's return took days of interrupted cleaning peppered by power naps (timed to Alex's, of course) to combat my inexplicable exhaustion. When he finally did arrive, the four day weekend was consumed by the black hole that is blissful (ie lazy and uneventful) family time. I fell behind on my project a bit, but after looking up proper novel formatting, I managed to "cheat" my way ahead of schedule. Jesus says I should try to write something everyday anyway, but my goal is 30 pages a month, and I am not all about pushing beyond my limits just yet. Writing a novel is like a marathon; I'm not going to overexert myself and burn out in the first stretch of the race!

Alex had his 4-month check-up (and shots, poor thing!) yesterday. He is gargantuam. The doctor mentioned something about renting out a forklift for the next time he has an appointment if he keeps growing at this rate! He took the shots well, crying heartily when they were administered and calming in his daddy's arms only moments later. We gave him some Tylenol to prevent a fever and were prescribed foot cream for his mild diaper rash, which seemed odd to me at the time. Turns out it works better than Desitin, though. Go figure.

Weight: 18.15 lbs. (90%ile+)
Length: 26 1/2 inches (75%ile-90%ile)
Head Circ.: 43 1/2 cm

Friday, June 4, 2010

Happy June!

It's summertime in Texas, which means blazing hot sunny days punctuated by dreary, cold rainy spells with the possibility of a few scary storms thrown in to make life interesting. So basically, every other season in Texas, except in the springtime we get random snowfall, and in the winter slushy mess to add to the mix. It's like a Dairy Queen Blizzard: A whole lot of junk in one little cup. ... And now I'm hungry for a Blizzard. So cold and yummy...

So far so good on the writing project. When Alex goes to sleep at night I knock out a page a day. I'm patiently waiting for inspiration to strike so I can crank out the 5 pages an hour I used to. It doesn't sound like a lot, but it adds up fast.

Today marks four months since Jesus and I became parents. It's amazing the changes that Alex has made in our lives. It's amazing how much he's growing! I didn't think it was possible for me to miss the days that he was fragile and always crying and couldn't do anything for himself. Already he can grab whatever toy he wants and drag it toward himself (to be then chewed on mercilessly), walk around his activity center unsupervised, and nurse until he's full in two minutes flat. My role is shrinking with every new milestone he reaches. I realize it's silly to feel this way; he's not going off to college for 17 years, yet. He still needs to be bounced to sleep for his naps, and he can't make his way across a room. One day, I'm going to WANT him to do things for himself. But I miss the feeling of being the only one able to provide everything for him.

Anywho, new tentative stats for this month! We'll see how right I am when we go for his 4-month shots in a couple of weeks. Hopefully he takes them like a champ the way he did the last round of shots!

Weight: 17.5 lbs...A 1 lb. drop since last week. That's got me a little concerned....
Length: 24 inches.
Head: 17 inches.

Some of those numbers seem a little off, so we'll see in a couple of weeks if he's thriving or not. A little worrisome, though....
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