Thursday, March 25, 2010

Baby Update-3/26/2010

We've weathered the storm of the cursed DST change and 6 week growth spurt! It was tough for about a week: Alex refused to be put down at bedtime; had to be walked around for about an hour and fed continuously before he fussed himself to sleep in my arms. But the fussy time has gotten incrementally shorter, down to about 15 minutes, if at all. He has begun to amuse himself now, which means Momma can put him down for 5-10 minutes before he demands undivided attention. And when he naps, he actually sleeps long enough for me to do a few chores! Life is good.

I set up his 2-month appointment today, so I'll have "official" stats in a couple of weeks, but here are some unofficial stats for right now.

Weight: 13.5 lbs.
Height: 24 inches

P.S. Anyone with an Infantino Slingrider and/or Wendy Bellissimo carrier, get on that recall ASAP. I'm sending my stuff in today. Here's the website.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Nursing Covers!!

I cannot be the only mother who LOVES these things! When I was preparing to buy one, I researched the 'net for reviews and recommendations and stumbled across quite a few opinion pieces that seemed scathing condemnations. There was one relatively tame one recently covering "The Delivery" episode of The Office. The blogger was "thrilled" that they portrayed breastfeeding as "something positive, and normal", but viewed their choice to have the character Pam utilize a Hooter Hider brand nursing cover as a disappointment, and even went so far to refer to them as "Aprons of Shame".

I understand that there are mothers who are open, uninhibited, and proud of breastfeeding without the need for a cover. I wish I had that kind of attitude! But I also find absolutely nothing wrong with the concept of nursing covers for those mothers who wish to avoid dealing with the (unfair but present) social stigma of popping a boob out in public to nourish their child. It's important for me to be able to interact with others normally, and for anyone who isn't my husband or family, it would certainly serve as a distraction to be laid bare for all to see.

I recently bought an Udder Cover(s) and adore it! It's lightweight so Alex doesn't overheat, has a rigid neckline so I can see and adjust him if need be, and, most importantly, helps me more confidently nurse out in the open. They're running a promo where you only pay for the cost of shipping ($9.95), which is a LOT cheaper than most nursing covers! Click here for the store, and at checkout, put in the promo code "backorder1". :) Ciao!

Monday, March 22, 2010

My New Job

I had been unhappy with my job of late. It wasn't so much the intensive physical strain of dozens of heavy boxes and buckets, nor the mental strain of prissy clients and entitled coworkers who, for some reason, find it unreasonable for us to expect them to do their jobs. I'm made of tougher stuff than that. I think the final straw, really, was my actual job being yanked out from under me as my pregnancy progressed. There's nothing like being poo-pooed because of a temporary inability to unload a few trucks. It's discrimination, pure and simple, and I certainly wasn't making enough money to put up with it.

As anyone who lives in Killeen knows, the job market is generally open for low-paying entry-levels jobs or medical positions; there's not much in the way of a middle ground. Once in a long while a golden opportunity presents itself, usually right after I've acquired a sub-par position and feel obligated to be faithful to said position. Big mistake on my part, and not one I am likely to repeat. Maybe someday soon, another beacon will come to be.

Until then....I'm a stay-at-home momma. Yup. It has come to that. Don't get me wrong: I love being the primary caregiver for our little one. I love being able to feed him whenever he's hungry, cook dinner for my family, and keep up (the best I can) with housekeeping. I get to see all the big milestones. This is a dream job for lots of women. Yet I feel guilty. Why?

I may have something to do with the way I'm wired. I was raised to work hard for what I have, to pull my own weight and contribute to the well-being of myself as well as others, and now...Well, it's hard to not feel like a bum when you're glued to the couch for about 6 hours a day to feed your child. But, ultimately, it didn't make sense for me to go back to work. With my position changed and cut hours looming, we would have ended up paying more for daycare, formula (in the event of drying up), and various fees and expenses than I would even make in a month. I would be working just to put my baby in daycare; I'm not all about that. So we're a one paycheck family for now. We've already seen some improvement in finances with some basic planning and budgeting, so I'm hoping to contribute in that way.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Baby Update-3/11/2010

It has been a looooong five weeks. Who knew how physically draining looking after such a small child could be (put down your hand, Mom, of course you know :))? Pregnancy is (almost) smooth sailing in comparison. But despite the sore back and arms, the sometimes unreadable cries, and the copious amounts of fluids excreted on my hair, clothes, and various surfaces, there's something about that cheesy smile and gurgle he's been doing lately that makes it all easier to handle. Emotionally, at least.

*Milestones So Far*
Holding his head up/pushing up on arms: Still a bit wobbly, but he lifts, arches, and turns his head toward things of interest.
Following objects with head, occasionally with eyes: When I put him down to get dressed or prep dinner, I am very closely monitored.

Weight: 13 lbs.; up five pounds from birth weight
Height: 23 inches; up 2 1/4 inches from birth

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Woo! New Layout!

Because the Blogger templates are so plain and boring, I decided to spice things up by seeking a more interesting layout. Voila! I think it suits my personality well. I can't remember exactly what site it's from. There's probably a link to it on the page somewhere, but if you're looking for something to give your blog a little more "oomph", simply Google "free Blogger layout". You're almost guaranteed to find something you love.

In other news, I'm formulating a Monday-Friday posting schedule, effective as soon as I figure out what those deadlines are going to be related to. Thursdays will definitely be updates about the baby, since he was born on a Thursday, and it's so much easier to keep track that way. Probably Photo Fridays.... Well, we'll see. :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


My name is Megan. You may already know me (why else would you be reading my blog?), but for those who don't let me start by introducing myself. I'm an all-American girl living the dream: Married to a wonderful man (who just happens to be in the military); mother of a beautiful baby boy; house full of well-loved pets; wonderfully supportive (though far-spread) community of friends and family; the whole shebang.

I don't have much in the way of a career at the moment. I dabble in creative pursuits like cake decorating and wedding planning, but have yet to find that elusive "perfect fit" when it comes to employers. I've toyed with the idea of opening my own shops, but those are best left for later years, when living arrangements are much more stable. For now, I'm on maternity "leave", and I am thankful that we are able to get by on one income, but I'm hoping to return to retail, if only to alleviate a little financial stress from my husband.

I am a writer, to the extent that anyone with an idea, a computer, and Microsoft Word can say they're a writer. To date, I have created two book series ideas (as well as completed a novel of each), a feature screenplay, two television series concepts, and a handful of independent novel ideas, as well as over 100 poems/song lyrics. Since getting married, I am ashamed to say my creativity's been on hiatus, but with the birth of our son came a renewed sense of urgency that has sparked the kindling once again.

These are just a few tidbits about me. Above all else, I am a wife and mother, and I intend to love every minute of it.
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