Friday, April 22, 2011

The Birds and the Bees

Spring is in full bloom at our house. Grass blades (and weeds) are springing up vibrant green, roses are blossoming, and fruit is already budding on the trees. It is lovely, but bittersweet knowing that Jesus won't be here for the year's first "harvest". If it didn't get sweltering hot during the day, I wouldn't mind spending all of my time outside while Alex explores. Goodness knows he loves the dirt and bugs.

I can't really lay all the blame with the heat and humidity. There are a couple of other obstacles inhibiting me: the birds and the bees.

I run a pretty tight ship when it comes to pest control. When I see a wasp's nest, I have it taken care of immediately, usually by way of modified flamethrower. Cockroaches and tiny brown spiders are stomped on sight (right after I have a mini-anxiety attack). Most other little bugs and geckos are ushered out the door. I do not like intruders of any kind, no matter how small and/or harmless. However, when it comes to the bird's nest above our front door and the beehive beneath our shed, I find my resolve weakened. In the case of the birds, who built a nest within a day, I am hesitant to to destroy what is essentially a baby bird's bassinet. It's silly and sappy, I know, but it bugs me to think that, in the act of taking it down, I may drop the eggs and feel like a jerk baby bird killer.

We have a fairly symbiotic relationship with the bees. We provide them with shelter and don't kill them, and in return they pollinate our fruit trees and fig bushes. I'm talking crazy insane pollination. Our apple tree has several dozen blossoms this year, whereas in the years past it had only a few. It makes me nervous to let Alex roam in the backyard with a cloud of bees buzzing about doing their thing, but I don't have enough compelling reasons to get rid of the hive. Now, if one buzzes into our house, it's as good as dead, but that rarely happens.

Spring is wonderful. Nature is wonderful. I just wish I didn't have to dodge the wonders of nature the second I walk out my front door.

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