Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tried Out Cry-It-Out......

...It's not for us.

For the longest time, I have been waking up at 8 AM, pretty much on the dot. This is usually because Alex is already awake and babbling in a very animated fashion. Or climbing all over me like a jungle gym. Or just generally poking and prodding his lazybones mommy to get the heck up already. About a week ago, I resolved to set my alarm for 7 AM so that I might be able to squeeze in some chores, writing, something in before my little angel woke up. So far, that plan is a non-starter. It probably has something to do with the fact that I almost never get into bed before midnight. But probably my biggest issue is that, when the alarm goes off, Alex is instantly alert and ready to start the day. Unlike his mother....

Yes, Alex still sleeps in our bed. I understand that the thought of a (nearly) 15-month-old toddler sleeping in the same bed with his parents strikes others as strange/dangerous, but there has never been a very compelling reason to change anything. If anything, there was always a reason to keep him there. At first, it was because I was nursing, and it was just more convenient to have our newborn within arm's reach during those long nights when he woke up for night feedings. Actually, come to think of it, that may have been the only thing that kept him there, as I am still nursing and he still wakes twice a night to feed.

Then Jesus came home for R&R. We quickly realized that three bodies in a Queen-sized bed does not a cozy night's sleep make. Alex needs to be comfortable in his own bed, so that when Jesus does eventually come home there is no competition for mattress space. Unfortunately, as the only parent currently serving as his caretaker, the task of sleep training our dear child falls to me. And, boy, is it hell.

"Sleep training"....The phrase itself leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I know it is necessary for him to learn to fall asleep on his own, but does it needs to sound like I am putting him through Baby Obedience School? Frankly, I would rather just get a King-sized bed and put it off for another year or two, but that in not a very economical option.

...Anyway, it is harder than one would think. Especially for Alex, who is a huge cuddle bug and can't stand to be alone. I tried to do the Ferber method, and quickly abandoned it after the first 5 minutes because Alex cried so loud he got hoarse, and so hard that he started gagging. Right now, I am doing a modified Sear's method: Rocking him until he is calm, then putting him in the crib and repeating as necessary until he falls asleep. It takes a long time. A very long time. But he does not cry nearly as hard if I am right by his side. I have done it a grand total of one time (today's noon nap), and I plan to keep at it until he is accustomed to our new sleeping arrangements. I am likely going to spend several long nights on an air mattress on the floor of the nursery.

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